public speaking and communication...(PSC)^^...
Chapter 1
*Macro functions
~To create & build community
~To promote diversity
*Micro functions
~To define myself
~To spread information
~To debate issues of fact, value & policy
~To effect individual & group change
~Personal & social competencies
~Academic & career skills
~Communication skills
Chapter 2
*Getting started
~Timing & pacing
*Choose topic that
~you know a lot (experienced & have own knowledge)
~you want to know (interesting )
~follow the guideline & time limit
~you feel comfortable (easy to present)
~you spent time on RESEARCHING not a PERFECT TOPIC
#########(LIKE SOME LECTURES )########
*Steps in selecting topic
~Generate Ideas
@Brainstorming~ come out many many many ideassss in short time(man=selfish, greedy, money-minded, sex-minded, porn movie & many many many... )
@Personal Inventory~ everything about yourself (why i look beautiful???)
@Clustering~5P CENT (People, Places, Plans, Processes, Problem, Concept,Events, Natural phenomena, Things)
@Reference search~ !!Tool!!==>dictionary, topic finder, periodical databases...
@Internet Search~ Yahoo, Google...
*Select topics==Choose topics^^...
*Focus topics==do not tackle topics that are too broad or too narrow
CONDOM==>>Just cant DO without it...
Chapter 3
*Tips for doing research
1. Start early--give u time to think
2. Make a preliminary bibliography
*personal filling file
~Article file--article on topics that interest u
~Quotation file--collections of memorable, important passages
~Speech file--materials or note on preparation & delivery a speech
3. Take notes efficiently--use index card if written by hand
4. Analyse materials--to get new idea
~Attention statement
-- help listener tune in to the speech(get their interest)
--use presentational aids to grab their attention
--rhetorical question~a transition leading to what u say
--response question~need audience answers
--surprising fact~to arouse audience curiosity
~Purpose statement
--inform audience your views, objective & main idea
--give direction to audience
--bring subject area to focus
2. Body
~Supporting information--supporting material to elaborate on main idea
~Transition-- A phrase leading 1 idea to another
--smooth, logical flow of idea
##Pattern of body
topical--got several point to present
problem-solution--problem>>solution of it
chronological-- time sequence
spacial-- physical space and area
pro-con--advantage >> disadvantage
Gimmick/Mnemonic --1st letter of each main points stands for a word or rhymes
3. Conclusion
~summary-summarize main idea
~Reinforcement of thesis-- highlight significance
*Modes of delivery
Impromptu speaking--focus on what is being to say
--be prepare
--give a direct response
--keep it short
--move toward the conclusion
Fully scripted speech
~speaking from manuscript--advance~easy to delivery
~include many details
--dis-advance~difficult to prepare
~reduced audience contact
~Memorizing --advance~giving a different occasion
~more audience contact
--dis-advance~difficult to memorize
~sound memorized
~lack naturalness
Speaking Extemporaneously--prepared, delivered without note
--work from an outline
--know what you are saying
--maintain eye contact
Chapter 4
*Importance using visual aid
`increase message clarity
`increase speaker dynamic
`reinforce message impact
`enhance speaker confidence
*Types of Presentation aid
`Electronic aid
`Audio or others
*Supporting material
~purpose--clarity~to understand
--vividness~to remember
--Credibility~to make them believe
--statistical data
--interest grabber
%%SHIT:Holy me...they r after us! FUCK:What the me are we gonna to do?%%
Chapter 5
*Public speaking carry ethical responsibilities, not to be abused
~observed every stage of speech making process
--tell truth, be honest
--avoid plagiarism
--keep information in perspective
--be tolerant
--set goal
--be prepared
--avoid name-calling
--use truthful supporting material
*plagiarism~~present others language or idea as your own
global--stealing entirely from single source and passing it as own
patchwork--copying from 2 or 3 sources
incremental--borrowed from other people
`quotation--attributing word to that people
`paraphrases--restate or summarize an author' s idea in own words
*Prevent plagiarism
`don't do last minute work
`find a large number of sources in your research
`cite your source
Chapter 6
*Communication anxiety
--butterflies in stomach
--hands shaking
--cold hands/ feet
--blank mind
--cold sweat
--dry mouth
--attitude toward public speaking
--origin from childhood
--previous experience
`way to overcome
--Visualization~systematic desensitization>>frightening event
--positive nervousness: energize speaker
Chapter 7
*Guideline to build confidence
1. Know how to react to stress
--predict, anticipate and cope with it
eg. if your hands shake ---don't hold paper
2.Know your speech
--don't memorize entire speech
eg. memorize only the main point
3.Know speech principle
--use effective introduction
eg. how to develop key idea, construct body and conclude speech
4.Believe your topic
--believe what you say will benefit audience
eg. love your topic,you will become deeply involve in delivery your speech
5.Identify your strength and weakness
--use your voice, body, mind, personality to your advantages
eg. if not good in delivery hamour, don't start with a joke
6.Practice your delivery
--practice from the start to the end without stopping
eg. time yourself-do not excess the time limit given
7. Project to confidence
--to feel confident, you need to act confident
eg. walk confidently, talk confidently, look directly to audience
8. Visualization success
--a method to reduce anxiety>>helping speaker develop a mental picture of themselves giving a success speech
eg. picture that you are giving a successful speech from the beginning to the end.
9.Learn from experience
--After each speech, access your performance
eg. focus on what worked and did, how audience reacted....
Chapter 8
--make common to many
speech--word, language,sentence
non-speech--sound that we create
*the triangle of meaning
~interpreter--speaker / listener>>someone communicate
~symbol--anythings to which people attach to meaning
~referent--object and idea that symbol represents>>depend on each individual knowledge and experience
*5 levels
*7 elements
Why is that nerd staring at me...!!!
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
*Audience analysis
demographics--things that we can count or sure>>gender, age, racial...
situational--types(voluntary/captive), size of audience
psycho-graphic--things that we can not count or sure>>belief, attitude, values, behaviors
*Specific content
size of audience--larger=more formal
smaller=more informal
physical environment--indoor/outdoor, sitting/ standing audience
occasion--purpose of audience gathering
time of speech--duration
sequence of event--try to make connection with previous speech
*Understanding context--anything that has happened in immediate past
*Context of recent speech
Preliminary tuning effect
--created by a previous speech>>affect audience to respond +ve/-ve to your speech
overcome -ve preliminary tuning
--modify the introduction
--use humour to lighten the atmosphere
*Context of recent event--audience's knowledge of local, national & international event.
*Audience size will affect in--manner of presentation, delivery, language, use of visual aids, choice of appeal.
*Listening VS Hearing
1.active, learned,voluntary skill 1.passive,naturally skill
2.required energy and effort to make 2.require no effort on receiver
sense of what we hear.
3.a chance to participate in the process 3.physical process=sound wave
stimulate nerve impulses to brain
4.gain new info, laugh, be entertain 4.automatic,innate ability
*Listening process
1.Receive--hearing sounds
2.Select--attending, high selective process,less attention on filter out others
3.Interpret--attach meaning to message
4.Understand--relate to exist knowledge or belief>>what speaker trying to do(based on content & context).
5.Evaluate--judging and criticising the reliability of speaker and quantity of info.
6.Resolve--deciding what to do.(answering)
Chapter 11
Strategies for getting audience's attention
1.Question your audience
rhetorical-stimulates thought but not elicit a response.
direct-seeks an audience's response.
2.Arouse curiosity
technique of suspense,get audience wondering what is to come.
eg.startle them with an arresting statement.
3.Stimulate imagination
requires good audience analysis
eg.relating personal experience
4.Promise something beneficial
fulfill audience needs
eg.how to save money
5.Energize your audience
how you carry and portray yourself
eg.appearance, voice..
6.Amuse your audience
humour make audience laugh, relax, alert and more receptive to your speech
7.Tell a story
be it dramatic or suspenseful
8.Acknowledge and compliment your audience
make them a part of your speech
9. Use visual aid
engage audience sense and attention
How to build speaker-audience-topic relationship
1.Establish your credibility --use reliable supporting materials,evidence, statistic
2.Refer to audience--relate your message to audience
3.Refer to occasion--refer to the reason of the audience gathered
4.Express your pleasure in speaking
5.Express similarities with audience--create a bond with them
Chapter 12
*Type of speech
1.Speech of introduction
--introducing a speaker>>done by MC...
2.Speech of presentation
--before conferring an award, a price or recognition
3.Acceptance speech
--response to speech of presentation
--recipient of award
4.Speech of tribute
--honouring somebody
5.Speech to entertain(to make u happy)
--make a point through the creative, humour.
6.Impromptu speech
--limited , no advance preparation
7.Videotaped speech
--a speech taped
Chapter 13
*3 dimension of the message
1.primary message
--verbal content
--word of speaker uses to express idea
2.Auxiliary message
--oral dimension(control by audience)
--tone, vocal,eye contact.
3.Secondary message
--not part of speaker's plan
--created by audience due to characteristic of speaker has no control
--race, gender,age...
*Non-verbal communication
~eye contact
*Vocal communication
~vocal emphasis
~rate of delivery
*Emphasising key point
~repetition--repeating the important points
~pointer phrases--highlight the important key words
~oratorical emphasis--use of gesture,change in volume
~visual reinforcement--using visual aid
*Respond to question
1.know your subject
show your audience you know what you are talking
eg.use different words
2.Anticipate question
welcome opportunity to clarify your points
3.Be succinct
answer question directly
4.Encourage involvement
question period should move rapidly& involve as many as people possible
5.Maintain control
--don't let anyone take the floor away from you
6.Know when to stop
--close the presentation with a final comment